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How is MCU Used to Treat Whiplash Injuries?

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Physiotherapist Kevin Perra
Physiotherapist Kevin Perras

Whiplash affects a significant number of people each year. Although relatively common, whiplash can be debilitating and can lead to chronic headaches, neck and back pain, and other unwanted symptoms. Physiotherapists have worked with whiplash patients for decades, and one popular tool used in treating whiplash is MCU therapy.

What is MCU Therapy?

MCU, or Multi-Cervical Unit, is an effective system for the assessment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from neck pain, whiplash associated disorders and general cervical spine disorders. The MCU is a sophisticated device that does a comprehensive analysis of any neck injuries, giving precise strength and mobility assessments.

Why Is This Important?

The more information a physiotherapist has, the more effective the treatment plan is. By collecting personalized and accurate information about the area surrounding and affecting the injury, a physiotherapist is able to cater the treatment plan so it focuses precisely on areas of concern, making each visit and each day of recovery as efficient as possible.

MCU therapy also allows for accurate monitoring. As treatment progresses, a physiotherapist can conduct subsequent tests that will provide visual reports of progress that can be used to measure results. This information is not only motivating for patients but is also important for physiotherapists, as adjustments to the program can be consistently made based on the assessments.

MCU therapy provides a level of personalized whiplash care that is more effective than conventional treatment.

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